2.4 GHz technology

2.4 GHz technology offers fully automatic frequency management.

The HBC data logger as part of the radiomatic® report concept allows for the user-specific recording of diverse operational data of the radio control, logged to the exact second.


Your advantages:

  • A manual frequency coordination with other radio users is not necessary.
  • The operator can work without interruption, even in areas with many radio users. This saves valuable time.
  • This technology is approved almost worldwide, which makes warehousing much easier: instead of different country-specific high frequency modules, in most cases, just a single 2.4 GHz module can be used.
  • In countries where HBC radio systems are approved, the 2.4 GHz technology is available without registration or license fees. This saves costs and effort.

How it works:

  • Frequency management is already included in the radio system and works automatically.

Manufacturer: HBC-radiomatic

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