The versatile radio receiver with CAN interface.
- CANopen safety interface (electrically isolated).
- 8 additional black / white outputs.
- Feedback capacbiltiy via CANopen.
- Emergeny stop: Performance Level d, category 3 according to EN ISO 13849-1:2008.
- Robust plastic housing, protection class IP 65.
- Connection: Harting plug or cable glands.
- Power supply: 42 – 240 V AC (worldwide capabilities), 10 – 30 V DC.
- Dimensions: 165 x 165 x 70 mm (6.5 x 6.5 x 2.8”).
- Practical snap-in mounting device (shock mounts, optional).
- Options: radiomatic AFS, tandem operation, catch-release, radiomatic infrakey, internal antenna, operation with Multi-Receiver-Concepts (MRC).
- Recommended transmitters: quadrix, keynote, micron 5, micron 7, eco, technos and the entire spectrum series
Manufacturer: HBC-radiomatic
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