merlin® TUC (Transmitter User Card) – user identification

The easy and safe arrangement of access rights.

The merlin® TUC (Transmitter User Card) serves as the key to start up the radio control.


Your advantages:

  • The radio control – and thus the machine as well – is securely protected from unauthorized use.
  • By means of the individual configuration of the card, the radio control can identify the operator and unlock specific functions – such as moving into restricted areas which are designated only for experienced users.
  • In connection with an HBC data logger, the gathering and evaluation of diverse user-specific operational data of the radio system is possible.

How it works:

  • To activate the radio control, the operator holds the merlin® TUC close to the transmitter.
  • The control identifies the operator and unblocks the respective functions.

Manufacturer: HBC-radiomatic



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